Inner Bonding Facilitator Training Program - Certification Information

"This training has been so profound for me on so many levels. The quote 'it takes a village to raise a child' feels, for me, like this community, which has helped me to grow my Loving Adult. And I know I would not be where I am now if it weren't for each of you. I feel that each of you has left this unique handprint on my soul that I'm going to keep with me always. And I feel like I've found my life's calling now. I have found my purpose in life and I'm being pulled toward my vision. And I know that I want to be an integral part of bringing Inner Bonding to the world." IBFTP Participant


Certification Information

Completing the IBFTP is the first step toward becoming a Certified Facilitator of Inner Bonding.  The process by which one may become a Certified Facilitator is outlined below.


Assessing Progress During the IBFTP

Individual participant progress will be assessed on an ongoing basis during each component of the training program.  The training team will communicate with and outline goals for any participants who are not meeting the program criteria.


Listing on Inner Bonding Website

Participants who successfully complete all program components will be eligible to be listed on the Inner Bonding Website as a Facilitator-in-Training.


Requirements for Facilitators-in-Training

  • Documentation of a minimum of 12 hours of triad facilitation practice in participant’s Peer Support Groups (4 hours each as facilitator, observer and client)
  • Documentation of an additional 24* hours of recorded facilitation practice in one-on-one dyads (12* hours each as facilitator and client)
  • Membership in Inner Bonding Village (IBV)
  • Must carry private liability insurance
  • Must offer a minimum of 12 complimentary sessions with IBV members, and work with a minimum of four different IBV members.
  • Must provide written agreement to IB contractual obligations for FITs

Facilitator-in-Training Privileges

  • Listing on the IB Website as “Facilitator-in-Training”
  • May work with clients as part of their practicum
  • May assist at IB intensives
  • May answer questions on Inner Bonding Village
  • May write articles on Inner Bonding Village

Maintaining Facilitator-in-Training Status

  • Participants in the IBFTP have 5 years from the end date of their training program to become certified
  • Facilitators-in-Training must fulfill the same continuing education criteria as certified facilitators, meaning that they must complete 20 hours of continuing education every three years that they are FITs to maintain Facilitator-in-Training status.  Please see additional details under Maintaining Certification with Continuing Education

Requirements for Certification (as a Certified Facilitator)

  • Assistantship at an Inner Bonding Intensive with Dr. Margaret Paul
  • Minimum of 150 facilitation practice hours.  Detail of Practicum Requirement
  • Documentation of 10 consultation hours.  Click here for more information: Detail of Consultation Requirement
  • Demonstration of competency via video or audio recording of a client session which is reviewed by the training team.
  • Training team approval for advancement to Certified Facilitator
  • Membership in Inner Bonding Village (IBV)
  • Must carry private liability insurance
  • Must provide written agreement to IB contractual obligations for Certified Facilitators

Privileges of Certification

  • Listing on the IB website as “Certified Facilitator”
  • Authorization to call oneself a Certified Facilitator of IB on websites, flyers, business cards, resumes, etc.
  • Eligibility for assistantship at IBFTPs
  • Eligibility to  enroll in (future) IB Trainer Certification Program (IBTCP)
  • Eligibility to enroll in IB Continuing Education offerings, including trainings to become certified to use Inner Bonding with couples or groups

Maintaining Certification With Continuing Education

  • Certified Facilitators are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education every three years to maintain certification status.  Continuing Education hours may be accumulated through any combination of the following activities:
  • Participation in, leadership of or assistance at IB Intensives, workshops, modules, IBFTPs, and online courses
  • Continuing education in approved, relevant programs that enhance facilitator/trainer abilities and skills (i.e.; training in trauma or body-centered therapies, addictions counseling, meditation retreats, conferences.) Facilitators will need to briefly explain how these forms of CE are relevant to their work as IB Facilitators.
  • Consultation with another Certified Facilitator of Inner Bonding (a maximum of 10 hours)
  • Answering questions on Inner Bonding Village (IBV).  Three hours of answering questions on IBV is equivalent to one hour of continuing education.  A participant may receive a maximum of six continuing education hours by answering IBV questions.

 ©Dr. Margaret Paul, Dr. Erika Chopich, Inner Bonding® Educational Technologies, Inc. 2022


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Love is not an entity depleted by mistakes but rather, a growing wholeness capable of absorbing them.



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03/19/2025 08:00 AM
5-Day Virtual Intensive
Dr. Margaret Paul

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