Intensive Testimonials

Reading about other's experience at Intensives can help you to decide if this is something you want to do. It can also help to allay any fears you might have about attending an Intensive. While most people are nervous when they first come, by the 2nd or 3rd day they are having a wonderful time and wishing it would go on longer!

Click here to add your own personal testimonial about Inner Bonding Intensives.


"Attending the Inner Bonding Intensive with Dr. Margaret Paul was nothing short of transformational. Margaret is a master at guiding you to uncover the root of your challenges with compassion and insight, creating a safe space to explore the most painful areas of the past. Her process left me with a profound sense of clarity, self-compassion, and empowerment. I would highly recommend this to anyone ready to heal, grow, and become unstuck. It will stay with you for a lifetime." October 2024 Virtual Intensive

Deb Klugger,Real Estate Broker

"This 5 day intensive is a powerful transformative experience where Dr Margaret gently guides you through the process of coming back to who you really are. Being within a group of people who are eager to lovingly understand themselves and others better is extremely supportive as we witness each other and share our human experience. Though I had good knowledge of inner bonding having read Dr Margaret’s books and engaging in online courses, nothing really compares to the deep immersive experience of the intensive workshop. It was such a privilege to work individually with Dr Margaret and to watch her work with others, each day brought new learnings, insights and change. This work is challenging and sacred, there were many tears and I faced parts of myself I had hidden for years. Through all of this I always felt very safe and trusted the space, there was no judgement and all parts of me were welcome which allowed me to be fully myself. For anyone who not only wants to learn but to fully live inner bonding I encourage you to engage in this life-changing experience." October 2024 Virtual Intensive


Rachel Keogh,Psychotherapist
00 353 (0)86-363

"At the Intensive I was able to deepen my awareness of my own Inner Bonding process through observing others. I was able to see in me what was going on in the others, giving me access to areas and beliefs that I resonated with. With this access, I was able to deepen my next Inner Bonding process, and so on. It was amazing!" October 2024 Virtual Intensive

Kathy Jackson,Retired Chiropractor

"My experience was absolutely incredible.  The group that I was in was so open to learning and healing themselves. We all seemed to take a deep dive together knowing that we were in a very safe space with Dr. Margaret and the other facilitators.  It seemed to flow with Divine energy as we all laughed and cried together, sharing our most intimate moments.  We cheered each other on as we healed wounded parts of us that had been there since childhood. I myself had suppressed memories surface, which I believe were at the root of most of my suffering.  I am still processing from those 5 days and I truly feel like I am closer to being my true self than I was before I began.  I felt safe enough to let all of my shadows be seen and all that I got in return was enormous support and Love and there is no better feeling than that. I am extremely grateful to have had this experience and I will keep it close to my heart for all of my days. 

Thank you again to my group and Dr. Margaret & all of her helpers who made this possible. It was truly life changing and I look forward to the next one!! With Love, JFo " Nov. 2023

JFo Jennifer Forgione ,Artist
Spring Brook Twp
(570) 877-7748

 "The Intensive with Dr. Margaret Paul gave me the opportunity to dive really deep into attending to my feelings and needs and learning to take care of me in a very loving way. Margaret’s clarity and ability to hold space for deep and meaningful explorations is outstanding. Witnessing the other participants doing their very deep work created a space of mutual compassion, understanding and healing. I am looking forward to attending the next Intensive!" November, 2023

Valentin,University student of energy engineering

"I’m really “cooked“ after the 5 day Inner Bonding Facilitator Training and then the intensive - in a good way. For me, this was the deepest intensive I’ve experienced. The group - OMG, amazing what each person brought and their courage to go deep, and support everyone. AND, most importantly, we all KNEW we could go THERE because you Margaret could handle anything!! That is huge. Way beyond my expectations, as was the Inner Bonding Facilitator Training. I appreciated that we could turn off cameras and move, eat, take care of ourselves as needed." Nov, 2023

Kelly Reineke

"The inner work that I could experience has been really profound, I could really get free of a very old imprint of my wounded self. With the clear and connected Presence of Margret and the group I have released myself of guilt, shame and the deep feeling that there is something wrong with me.

This Intensive has been the drop that made it all spill over. A deep sense of integration of wisdom, love and forgiveness has been opened. And now after 5 days of connecting in very healing and safe space, I am embracing the gift my Loving Adult is giving me: 'You are innocent and loved, there is nothing wrong with you.' I am deeply grateful." November, 2023




"'Hello good world' said the cat. during a pause at the inner bonding five days intensive i was walking the streets in my city and i was passing a little white and black cat. i felt kind of drawn to her. i greeted her and talked to her, and she came closer. i was feeling good, and i caressed her. she liked it and blinked with her eyes. 'hello good world' she suddenly said. 'i know how the world works', she said to me. 'so do i', i told her. 'It is all about bringing love into the world'! 'yes' she said, and you are very welcome to join me in it'. 'i know what you have been through', she continued, 'and from now on life for you will start to get better'. 'yes, dear cat, i said 'thanks to Dr. Margaret Paul I was made aware so beautifully what love really is, to pay attention to my feelings, and how to get past old trauma and heartbreak.' 'Good, said the cat, 'nice to meet you', and again she blinked with her eyes. 'Say greetings to Margaret'. 'Oh yes, I'll do that' I said 'and goodbye dear cat, thank you for letting me join the new good world!' ...And now i can stand firmly on the ground. i belong to this good world. it's the same world as before but now i see all the good i was not aware of. Hidden talents also came out... see cat story above. it was the first time i had the feeling to belong to a group...deep hidden emotions and pain of each of us were healed...together we have held a beautiful safe space where i was feeling accepted and loved." November, 2023

Gabi Kohlboeck,Clinical Psychologist

"Having this experience makes me want to reach out to everyone who has been in years of therapy or healing work who have seen only incremental improvements or none at all as I had and show them there’s a better way! Working with Margaret and being able to observe and take in her work with others in a close group is absolutely life changing. If you are considering it do not walk run to join. It may very well be the best choice you ever make." March 2023 Virtual Intensive.


"I have followed Dr. Paul for over a decade. I read all her books and took some of the courses, but nothing compares to the emotional advancement we can do with the power of a group and Dr. Paul facilitating.

"The intensive is exactly what the name suggests - it is an intensive and you can transform your life if you have the intention to do it. An intensive will change you forever.

"I would do it again and it was brilliant. First a breakthrough day (The 1-Day Inner Bonding Breakthrough) started the change – this one-day intensive just brought so much healing in so little time. You learn the whole time from your work and by observing the work of others. Inner bonding is a practice for life that I will use until I am gone from this earth.

"First, I thought the breakthrough day was brilliant. But then this intensive just blew all out of the water. It is like breakthrough day on steroids. I learned so much from my process and the work of others. I had at least 5 breakthroughs and Inner Bonding now is fixed on my mind - I know how to do it. I have more confidence on my abilities to guide myself now." November, 2023 Intensive


Rachel Magario,Profession UX designer

"I really liked the zoom format; it was so great to be able to be in my cozy home when participating in the intensive.  That allowed me to focus on the work rather than dealing with air travel, hotels, strange food and all of that.  It made the experience accessible to me.  

"Margaret, I don’t know how to thank you for your work, so I’ll just say thank you.  I don’t know anyone who can help people as you do with your inner bonding work.  It’s a life saver." March 2023 Virtual Intensive


Ingrid S.

"The Intensive I attended was very beneficial. It was god to be a part of everybody's work. Many of the sessions were crossovers to things I struggle with as well. I was very amazed over and over by Margaret's ability to lead and facilitate people's sessions. She is very intuitive and sensitive to everyone. She is kind and non-judgmental." March 2023 Virtual Intensive.

Nancy Brook,retired
Pine Valley,Utah

"Grateful for this beautiful work.  The difference of being in an intensive for me, vs. the other Inner Bonding programs I participate in, is the slow build of experiencing Margaret work with each person.  Each person has a gift that they offer the group that Margaret helps them open and share with all of us.  This slow build, for me, helps to stir up my stuck places: for example, places where I was not aware that I was caretaking, places where I was unable to forgive myself, places where I was lost in confusion without clarity.  These stuck places are then able to move with Margaret facilitating the Inner Bonding process.  

"The role-plays are so powerful.  Really learning HOW to love ourselves, having a process.  That’s empowering. So glad I don’t have to keep searching.  This works for me!" - March Virtual Intensive 2023


Kelly R.

"For a person who has attended many other programs before, this intensive was a cut above the rest. It was THE MISSING PIECE IN MY LIFE. I wholeheartedly recommend this intensive – please do give it a go….it could be life-changing!


Margaret Paul’s materials are amazing, and yet, she was even better in  person! Margaret’s modeling of being a “loving adult” throughout the  intensive and her incredible facilitation skills with participants was invaluable.  Inner Bonding is the “missing piece” I’ve been yearning for on my path of  personal, spiritual development. I’m so grateful that I had the space in my life  to take those 5 days. I’ve already made a huge shift that would not have been  possible without this experience.  


Kelly Reineke, Ph.D. ,Research, Training, Small Group Facilitation
Berkeley, CA

This intensive was a deeply immersive experience, the likes of which I've never encountered, and I say that having recently completed the informative 8 week Inner Bonding Course.

I found it extremely helpful to be immersed in the Inner Bonding process for several days, given our tendency to be deeply attached to false beliefs that keep us stuck in painful loops of experience.

The role modeling and demonstrations I observed during the intensive continue to ripple out into my experience and inform me as I integrate and apply the methods of Inner Bonding.

Even though many resonate with  the "All You Need is Love" message the Beatles put into song, few know how to actually embody that truth, and many dismiss the idea all together, declaring it's not safe to be a loving presence in this world. Dr. Paul's support and guidance in developing our Loving Adult inspires and clearly demonstrates the "how to" is indeed within our grasp for those of us who are willing.

Michelle Rousseau, PsyD, LP,Licensed Psychologist
Port Huron, MI

The intensive was very powerful. Margaret’s loving and honest approach made me feel comfortable to open my heart and be vulnerable, opening the way to being heard and witnessing others as well. What started out as a group of strangers quickly morphed into a supporting group that you could relate to and learn from. I would suggest this intensive for anyone that has ever felt like they’re voice isn’t heard or that their feelings don’t matter or shouldn’t be show. It is a powerful start to a journey of learning about myself, my soul, and my spirit. All thanks to Margaret’s honest and kind guiding and the support of everyone there. I thank you all. 


Kyle Homme,Audio Engineer
Clinton, WA

The 5 day intensive was a deep inner bonding experience. As a young child I experienced grief, heartbreak, loneliness and helplessness. As an adult, my inner child still stuggles to get free from the wounded parts that sabotage my relationships and present life experiences. What I thought was a model of love was not love. Due to my own inner disconnection, I really struggled to be in a loving relationship with myself and others. During the intensive Dr. Paul patiently guides you step by step to uncover underlying false beliefs through the 6 step Inner Bonding process. You are patiently guided in a sacred  safe space by Dr. Paul who is gentle yet honest.

Alicia Ford,Loan Signing Agent

Even though some of the participants were beginning with Inner Bonding I have learned a lot. It would now be easier for me to guide someone who would wish to use this wonderful process in order to improve in self-love, in his/her own life, and in relations with other people. 

I have also learned a number of things related to facilitation just by observing Margaret. It is sometimes important to ask questions upon questions in order to help the person discover the root of the problem.

I think the facilitation I do with some people will now improve.


Michel Côté,Missionary of Africa
(418-932-1388) (+265 99 158 7555)

The 5-day intensive was an amazing experience! It was very healing, enlightening, educational, and powerful. I was able to absorb so much and discover so much about myself. I highly recommend this experience; it is one you will always cherish. 

Lisa Provost,Engineer 1
Salt Lake City

"Yes old dogs can learn new tricks. I am 80yrs old - this was the most life-altering workshop I have ever attended. I learned who and what I really am. I am committed to becoming a loving adult to my inner child. This is the missing link in the many workshops I have attended. Get started now."

Dave Grace,Director - Olympic Sports Coach

"Once more I have appreciated this Intensive and learned quite a lot during these 5 days. I think it is important for me to often ask my Guidance: “What is for my greatest good at this moment” and “How I can best take care of myself now” in order to keep my openness to my Guidance and remain in an intention to learn. This will help me come down from my head and stay connected with my feelings. It is also important for me to embrace the painful feeling(s) when they are there and be aware of the great efforts my wounded self does in order to avoid pain."

Michel Côté,Catholic Priest - Missionary of Africa

"I completely enjoyed my experience within the Inner Bonding Intensive. To be able to discover, process and overcome emotional obstacles and pain that have been present within me for many years is very liberating. Dr. Paul, the assistants and other participants created a safe and loving environment for me to explore all depths of emotional and psychological trauma. I would highly recommend the experience to anyone that wants to learn how to explore what is inside and evolve their inner being, learning to live a happier life with practice and perseverence using the Inner Bonding methods." 

Jim Winter-Card,Writer
289 690 0523

"This 5 days intensive was a dream coming true, full of loving, truth and healing. It was a possibility to get more conscious of my wounded self and how can I start honoring my inner child in new way so powerful. I’ve focused on opening my heart even more on concrete experiences I’m living nowadays that block me from being loving to myself. Watching Margaret in action was so inspiring, she’s a role model for me. I imagine myself from now onwards saying is this loving for my inner child? What would Margaret do if it was her inner child. I loved the Inner Bonding In Action guided by Karen. it was so powerful. I feel from now onwards I have a new level of consciousness really regarding my connection with my inner child and with my determination to love her, also with the Power from now onwards I will give to my inner guidance. I am so grateful for the experience I lived these 5 days, I will never forget, the group also enables me to heal and be more aware of my wounded self. I want to continue walking this pathway of true love and truth for myself seeing my inner child and enable my true essence to be awake in action in this world."

Melisa Andrea Losada,Therapist & Employee
San Carlos de Bariloche,Rio Negro

"I am so grateful to have the opportunity to engage in such an absolutely powerful, life-changing experience. I have been on a self-exploration and self-healing journey for the past 40 years but have never come so close to really knowing the fullness of Who I Really Am and seeing so much more clearly my own self-created obstacles to that joy and freedom, as I was able to see during the intensive. I got to experience IB up-close and personal during the intensive and experience the most loving and safest healing environment that I have ever been a part of. Being relatively new to the process, I found the experience was so very helpful. Margaret’s loving and wise facilitation with everyone present allowed me to not just understand the IB concepts but actually experience them, allowing so many, many insights to naturally bubble up that I am amazed at how much I can now see and know more fully about my internal processes. I am so excited about what is in front of me because I feel much mental fog has blown away. Given that I am a psychotherapist by training and profession, the genius of IB cannot be stated enough! I have long searched for healing that acknowledges the human dilemma along with the Wholeness of Spirit and IB brilliantly weaves the work of the psyche into the tapestry of the Divine enabling me to grow more completely in all areas of my life and my experience. I learned so much about all the crafty, cunning and baffling ways I try to protect myself and control everyone and everything else, which actually keeps me from knowing my Divine Nature. I can see much more clearly now how I have created and become addicted to the Wounded Self and I am learning to practice far greater compassion for myself than I have ever been able to do before. My connection to my Highest Self is not cluttered by my wounded self as much as it was before. Inner Bonding is such a brilliant, creative, powerful healing process, that I would recommend it to everyone."

Jennifer Lyons,Psychotherapist

"It is amazing how we all came from different backgrounds and different cultures, but we share almost the same basic fears, worries, pains. It is such a great relief to feel that we are not alone in any kind of pain or suffering we are going through. The intensive was such a great experience where we discovered that solutions for many of the problems we have lie in how we talk to ourselves and how we manage our thoughts by practicing the inner bonding process. Being immersed in this process for five days marks a great life transformation in how we see ourselves, how we talk to our inner child, and how we focus to practice love, share love and be love. This experience gracefully helped each one of us to get in touch with their true essence and their pure souls.


While I was watching Margaret doing the sessions with me and with other participants in this intensive, I felt like I am watching a fabulous dancing performance. She dances beautifully in a way that shows how she is very well aware of her steps that lead the participants to get out of the session with great realizations and aha-moments about their lives. Such a breakthrough!"

Rania Youssef,Teacher & coach

"The intensive provided a wonderful and authentic experience of being in a healing community, with the work facilitated by a true Elder, Margaret, whose laser like compassionate inquiry was frequently utterly transformational, and always wise, insightful and loving. Shifts occurred in people’s self views, their understanding of their challenges, their connection to their True Self, the boundaries in their life, the true causes of their suffering; the list could go on. Margaret is a true Elder, guiding people to the truth of their life. I felt fully seen, held and loved. It was the most useful inner work I have done. "

Dr. Craig,Psychologist (children and schools)

"I really liked the zoom intensive. Inner Bonding is by far the most effective form of therapy that I have ever experienced.  Dr. Margaret Paul is a superb facilitator who is very present for each individual and she creates a very safe space to open up and share your feelings and experiences.  I am so grateful for this work and I look forward to my next intensive."


“Attending intensives for me offers one of the most profound learning and transformative experiences I have ever come across in this field. There’s literally nothing like it. 

"Previously as a participant, and now as a Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator and regular assistant to Margaret on her Intensives. I get to witness and support the deepest level of change work of it’s kind. I literally see people break out of repeating patterns that have been deeply held in place for years (often in a matter of days) and learn how to truly love themselves. It’s amazing and such a sacred privilege to be a part of.

"From a professional perspective observing Margaret work with people in these intensives is always a master class and provides ongoing training. This deepens my fluency with the process and supports my ability to go even deeper, both in my own personal growth and by helping me to be most effective when working with clients in my own coaching business.

"If you’re reading this and wondering if you should attend one I really encourage you to do so, you won’t regret it”.

Victor Granville ,Certified Inner Bonding Facilitator

"The on-line Three-day Intensive is SO worth the time and money!  Margaret Paul is just as effective and loving on-line as she is in person--after all, she’s channeling Spirit!  In my work with her, I received not just break-through understandings of why my specific problem has been plaguing me my whole adult life, but a simple but perfect action I can take to resolve it."


"There are no words to describe the power of the intensive workshop experience. To me, it made the difference between understanding the process intellectually and experiencing the transformation. I personally made a breakthough in recognizing my resistance to taking responsibility for my own feelings. I learned that sacrificing myself, and making others more important than myself, is actually a selfish controlling behavior, because I am trying to control how others perceive me. And what I thought of as selfish behavior, if I truly listen to my spiritual guidance, is actually letting myself soar in order to reach the potential of what I was put on this planet for. Wow, thank you Margaret.

"Doing this work as a group is so incredibly powerful, We experienced learning by becoming vulnerable in a safe and loving environment. Zoom was great. We connected and learned from each other. The time flew and we all felt it was hard to end the shared time together. "

Catherine Schulz,Physician

"This being my first Inner Bonding experience, I was a bit apprehensive and yet my longing to find peace and freedom for myself made me also curious and receptive to learning. For the past thirty years I have tried countless healing modalities, never giving up on the thought that there must be something out there that will help me find the peace I so desired. Through Inner Bonding I now understand myself, my behaviors and my part in my relationship dynamics. The other experiences gave me pieces but Inner Bonding gave me the whole puzzle put together. I also got a step by step process to support myself along the way.

"The dynamic of the intensive is set up that you get to work one-on-one with Dr.Margaret and also you get to see each of the other attendees do their work with her. I could see myself in each person’s process. It was as if I was having 30 + sessions. This being able to see and observe others stories helped me to view my own behaviors through their life experiences.  

"I have found the freedom I have been searching for my whole life. I finally know for the first time, what is truly loving to me. The bond I’ve made with my group is a lifetime bond. I’ve found a family in Inner Bonding, one that is supportive, loving and willing to support me through life’s challenges. This to me is priceless. My search is finally over."


"I enjoyed the sharing in the group and the deep process with Margaret. This was for me very helpful deepen my connection with my Inner Child, strengthen my Loving Adult and get more trust in my Higher Guidance. 
The format with meeting on Zoom helped me to integrate the learned in my daily life. 
Overall it encourages me to go on further on my path to love myself more and more."


Markus Dietrich,Mental Health Nurse
+41 77 443 10 56

"Having studied Inner Bonding for close to a decade now, I’m constantly amazed how every time I attend an intensive [even one on Zoom], I learn how much deeper I can go in this work to grow my Loving Adult and to live a life of peace, and joy, instead of fear, anxiety and sadness.

"Attending a 5-day intensive with Dr. Margaret Paul is always phenomenal and uplevels your practice of Inner Bonding and your capacity to grow a Loving Adult with your Guidance in the most powerful way possible. 

"What's especially amazing about doing a VIRTUAL intensive, is not only do you get access to some of the best IB facilitators who are able to join from all parts of the world, as well as the company of phenomenal other participants from all corners of the globe who might not otherwise have made it, but you also have the opportunity to VIDEO RECORD your sessions with Dr. Margaret Paul. The value of this added benefit cannot be underscored enough. As you watch the replay of your Zoom recording, you can watch your face as you move into your Wounded Part, and as you open to learn with guidance. And as a result you can literally SEE yourself in the process of self-abandoning or opening to learn, moment by moment. There's no greater gift in my mind you can give yourself than this - the priceless gift of Dr. Paul's always spot-on insightful feedback, coupled with the recording of yourself and your habitual ways of moving from indulging your Wounded Selves to then moving into your Loving Adult with Guidance. And the feedback on WHO YOU ARE IN YOUR ESSENCE from Margaret and the other participants is priceless.

"My IB practice is up levelled at least 200% every time I attend an intensive. And while they're virtual, they're a steal without the costs of flights or room and board. Plus you get the benefit of bringing into the sessions actual real-life events going on with your family, friends, colleagues or lovers, so it's super powerful real-time practice. 

 "So if you're even considering deepening your journey to mastering self love, run, don't walk to join Margaret's next intensive, either virtually or in person. You will thank yourself for a lifetime that you did. "


Anastasia,Relationship Coach

"Amazing experience. Life-changing. This is the process to move out of our own way, past our baggage, and into the life and light we want.  (Virtual 5-Day Intensive)

Kelly R.

"This [virtual] intensive, was a very deep journey into my childhood. I loved the way Margaret lead me to that point with care, with love , with compassion, and patience. I love that we all could take our time with no pressure to get what we came to get. Also congratulation to a very nice team of Facilitators that showed the possibility for us to leave with this habit. Thanks Jane and Victor."

Steve Lalanne,Spiritual Entrepreneur
Dominican Republic

"I very much enjoyed the Zoom intensive. Offering some of these via Zoom may allow people with more limited funds access to help they really need. I wouldn't mind experiencing the retreat center in Loveland, but right now at this time, saving those funds was very much appreciated. Thanks so much for doing these!"

"I attended Margaret’s 5 day intensive via zoom. I found this intensive course extremely healing. By watching other people’s works I was able to recognise the wounded parts of myself. I have a very strong and controlling part of myself due to severe long term physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual trauma during my childhood and adulthood. After attending the intensive I’ve found a huge shift in my growth and healing. My addictions are starting to calm down, I’m eating so much healthier and all my food is now organic. My health is improving at last. 

"My relationship with my inner child Meli has improved significantly, when my wounded self wants to protect, control or avoid, I now I’m able to change my intent by becoming a loving adult for Meli by sitting on my WS, I’m now able to deliver boundaries with my wounded self. My new dedication is now to love Meli.  

"I have a huge connection with guidance that I call God of love, my connection to God has doubled  and my frequency has raised. 

"I’m highly intuitive and psychic, again I’ve found the my intuition and psychic abilities has tripled after this intensive. 

"Margaret is an extremely patience person, has a beautiful heart and so dedicated to her clients and participants. I feel safe and I trust Margaret fully. Margaret has the strongest connection to her guidance that I’ve ever seen or known. Margaret is highly skilled with dealing with severe trauma. 

"I would highly recommend this course either via zoom or face to face, I’ve attended both, doesn’t matter how many intensive courses  I’ve attended I’ve always learnt something new and my growth has improved. I would happily attend another intensive via zoom from the comfort of my home." April 2020

Melinda Griffiths ,Intuitive/Psychic Empath coach, Reiki Master and Animal Energy Healer
Denver, Colorado

"The [virtual] intensive was actually a very energizing experience. I learned that I was settling for less than I wanted for my life. That patterns of behavior are just that, patterns and that can be changed if I make the decision and take the actions to do so. "

Mary Conlon

On the first night, I was able to work with Dr. Paul as she worked me through the six steps of inner bonding.  The experience has helped me realize how to access my inner child as I would my adorable loving daughter.  It was a moment of clarity for me.  I cannot wait to continue practicing Inner Bonding.  Dr. Paul has an energy you can feel. -2019


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Set your intention for the day. Make a conscious decision that you want to be in love, compassion, peace and joy. Decide to be courageous and speak your truth. Request to draw to you all that is of the light, and to be immune to the darkness of anger, fear and judgment.



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