What is Inner Bonding?


INNER BONDING is an easy-to-learn system, a Six Step roadmap that, when practiced, brings rapid healing of the fears and false beliefs that control our lives. Practicing INNER BONDING offers a clear direction toward becoming loving to ourselves and others. Healing deep issues through INNER BONDING results in the peace, joy, fulfillment, empowerment, and emotional freedom that we all seek but find so illusive.

INNER BONDING is a process that leads to loving yourself through teaching you how to take 100% responsibility for your own feelings and needs.  Self-abandonment is the core issue behind anxiety, depression, anger, addictions, relationship problems, and parenting problems. Self-abandonment leads to feeling like a victim, while Inner Bonding leads to emotional freedom and personal empowerment.

INNER BONDING is an easy-to-learn system, a roadmap presenting clear steps that, when practiced, brings rapid results in understanding our feelings and behavior, resolving our fears and false beliefs that control our lives, and gives us clear direction toward becoming loving to ourselves and others. Healing our deeper issues through INNER BONDING results in the peace, joy, fulfillment and empowerment that we all seek but find so elusive.

INNER BONDING is a powerful six-step mind/body/spirit healing process that will transform your life by teaching you to:

  • Recognize your true worth
  • Discover your passion and purpose in life
  • Take loving care of your heart, mind, body, and spirit
  • Take responsibility for your own feelings of pain and joy, safety and worth
  • Create deeply satisfying and enduring love relationships

INNER BONDING is not just another technique to solve problems - it is a deep healing process that leads to connection with self, others, and Divine Love. INNER BONDING works, regardless of one's spiritual or religious background or how severely one was abused, neglected, or indulged as a child.

There is a paradox that has kept many people from complete healing: We cannot experience deep spiritual connection until we love ourselves, but we cannot love ourselves until we experience the love that comes from a deep spiritual connection. In other words, love of self -- which is what Divine love teaches us -- is a prerequisite to self-growth.

INNER BONDING goes to the heart of this paradox. It is a simple yet sophisticated system that:

  • Teaches you how to establish a deep daily personal connection and dialogue with a loving source of spiritual guidance.
  • Frees your essence -- your core Self, the light within -- and fills your heart with love.
  • Heals the false beliefs of your wounded self - your wounded inner child -- beliefs that are the source of the fear, pain, and relationship problems in your life.
  • Develops a powerful adult self who can take loving action for yourself and with others.

Traditional psychology has centered on becoming aware of and healing our difficult and painful feelings and behavior. Spirituality has stressed connection with God. Neither has helped individuals to develop a personally-responsible loving Adult capable of healing the pain of the past, bringing joy in the present, and connecting with our spiritual Guidance. This is the major component missing from most other self-help processes. Individuals find that, while many processes bring short-term relief, they may not change the quality of life. INNER BONDING does.

Our society is evolving toward a more spiritual solution to our problems, a solution that has not been offered by either psychology or religion. People are recognizing that life is empty without the spiritual dimension, but religion has not always provided that. INNER BONDING differentiates between the earthly and the spiritual, between love intended to get and love intended to give, between power over others and power within self. It provides a much-needed process for moving out of fear and into love, out of the need to control and into trust so you can weather the storms of everyday life and embrace the sacred privilege of life on this planet.

INNER BONDING is built upon the concept of intent. Our intent is our deepest desire, our primary motivation. There are only two possible intents we can have in any given moment: the intent to protect ourselves from pain or the intent to learn about loving. Our culture operates on the earthly premise that joy is found in avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. When we shift to the spiritual perspective, we operate from the premise that true peace and joy come from an intent to be a loving human being.

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