Step Four of Inner Bonding


Dialogue with Your Higher Guidance

  • Ask your spiritual Guidance (whatever that is for you): What is the truth about the thoughts/false beliefs you may have uncovered in Step Three?
  • Ask: What is the loving behavior toward your Inner Child in this situation? What is in your highest good? What is kind to yourself?
  • Open and allow the answers to come through you in words, pictures, feelings, dreams, in talking with another, or in reading a book. The answers may not come immediately, but if you have a sincere desire to learn, they will come.
Move on to Step 5.

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The challenge on the spiritual path is to reach such a deep place of inner security that we are able to stay open to learning with ourselves and with Spirit, no matter what. This means being able to be loving to ourselves in the face of others attacking, blaming, crazymaking, withdrawing. It means staying open to learning with Spiritregarding our own highest good and the highest good of all, no matter what.



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