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Certified Facilitators Icon 

Inner Bonding Certified Facilitators are encouraged to add this icon to their web sites and blogs.

Certified Facilitator of Healing & Self Growth for Relationships, Addictions, Parenting Family Issues, Feelings of Aloneness, and Spiritual Connection

Copy and paste the text from the box into your web page:

<a href="/show-page/90/facilitators.html"><img src="/images/Inner_Bonding_Certified_Facilitator.gif" alt="Certified Facilitator of Healing & Self Growth for Relationships, Addictions, Parenting Family Issues, Feelings of Aloneness, and Spiritual Connection" border=0></a>


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Our spiritual Guidance is here to help us, not to control us. Spirit is loving, not invasive. Spirit will guide you towards your peace and joy, and the full manifestation of your gifts when your deepest intent is to be a loving human being, starting with loving yourself.



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