Support Group

Dr. Margaret offers a 6-week Zoom support group. To join Dr. Margaret's telephone support group, call 310-459-1700 or 888-646-6372.

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Daily Inspiration

What journey are you on - earthly or spiritual? Is your journey motivated by love, starting with yourself, or is your journey motivated by getting love and avoiding pain? Are you doing to define your being, or are you doing to express your being? Do you give to others but not to yourself - giving to get? Do you expect others or work or food or TV or alcohol or drugs to fill your emptiness instead of opening to Spirit to fill you with love and peace? Today, notice, without judgment, the journey you are on, moment by moment.


"Leaving this Intensive, I feel like a different person than the one who arrived. I have been given tools for a whole other way of living life - one that is healthy, functional, loving, open & worth living. Having done lots of therapy in my life, I am profoundly grateful to Margaret for having discovered & shared with us this method for a deeper form of self-integration & healing. I look forward to using these tools & awareness every day! Inner Bonding, if a critical mass of the human world were practicing it, would bring about World Peace. Margaret is no less an activist for World Peace than Nelson Mandela & Mother Teresa." Colorado Intensive, 7/07
Carol Kennedy

After years of therapy and many self-help books…something was still missing.  It seemed that no matter what I did (or approach I tried) I couldn’t get the “voice” in my head to quiet down or stop the negative talk.  And sadly, for some reason (actually many reasons) I not only couldn’t stop the negative talk  - I believed it! 
Enter Inner Bonding and Dr. Margaret Paul.  
Through Dr. Paul’s training I am learning to recognize when the “voice” in my head is filling me with false information. And more importantly, I now have a “tool” that helps me cancel out these thoughts and replace them with the truth.  
Is it a magic pill that changes everything immediately?  No, but it is a method that actually works.  The 5 day Intensive gave me an opportunity to work the process - which is critical because like anything unfamiliar it takes practice to achieve results.  Habits happen when we repeat them over and over again.  Intensives give you a safe and loving place to work on yourself and the benefit of Dr. Paul right there guiding you.  
This is my second Intensive and all I can say is…if you are hurting and seeking help INNER BONDING is the answer.  If you are looking for a way to grow spiritually Inner Bonding is the answer.  Truly, I believe that Inner Bonding should be a required course in life.  I know there would be a lot more love and peace in this world.
I am finally learning to love myself thanks to Dr. Margaret Paul :)

Chris Lieber

"I gained a great sense of clarity from the Inner Bonding workshop. I was struggling with questions that therapy just couldn't answer for me. Through the help of the group experience and Margaret's great gift of being able to pinpoint the exact issues, I gained a great awareness of what was going on in my life and my relationships. Also, I learned the Inner Bonding process which has given me the tools to deal with my issues, connect with my Inner Guidance(God), and know and love myself better. I have learned that I am responsible for my own love and happiness and how to best give that to myself by connecting with my Inner Child and God. Thank you to Margaret and the group!!!" Santa Fe Intensive, 4/06
Rose Harkins

"It's been several years that I've been working with Margaret & several Intensives I've attended too; and each time I have learned to go deeper into the Inner Bonding process.  It is for me like peeling out different levels of my resistance and moving more & more into the intention to learn.  This time I've learned more about my intention to control and my desire to change it." Advanced Intensive, N.Y. 11/07

Kashia Coulouvrat

"My fourth intensive has offered me the challenge of fully embracing, enjoying and loving my essence, my little girl. Understanding how I control others and my environment using shame/guilt is an insight that I finally fully comprehend. The resistance I put up is so obvious to me now. I had no idea how much I controlled any love coming from within me or from others. The love I feel for others' little [inner] children was always kept from me since 'I didn't deserve love.' Now I clearly understand how this false belief is a way that I use to control the pain of abandonment. Now I look at my little girl's photo and think 'You mean she deserves all the love I so easily give to others?' I'm just getting used to the idea - could it really be true? Seeing the beauty in others and none in myself has been a way of life for me - now I want to put as much passion into loving my [inner]little girl as I've given to Tim's [her son] little boy and all my client's [inner] little kids. Little Jeanette has been waiting far too long to be loved unconditionally. Thanks to all you bring to the light for me and others to finally see, Margie!!!!" Los Angeles, May, 2000
Jeanette Boerger

"Very safe, loving, nurturing and eye-opening. The experience of each and every person somehow hit home. I will treasure this experience always!" Santa Fe, New Mexico - 4/2001
Carol Day

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What journey are you on - earthly or spiritual? Is your journey motivated by love, starting with yourself, or is your journey motivated by getting love and avoiding pain? Are you doing to define your being, or are you doing to express your being? Do you give to others but not to yourself - giving to get? Do you expect others or work or food or TV or alcohol or drugs to fill your emptiness instead of opening to Spirit to fill you with love and peace? Today, notice, without judgment, the journey you are on, moment by moment.



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