Support Group

Dr. Margaret offers a 6-week Zoom support group. To join Dr. Margaret's telephone support group, call 310-459-1700 or 888-646-6372.

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Daily Inspiration

Who makes your decisions - your wounded self or your loving Adult? You might want to notice that decisions made from your wounded self never turn out well. You will always be guided toward your highest good when your loving Adult is open to learning with Spirit about what is truly loving to you.


"The Intensive is such a safe environment for deep healing to happen - by deep healing I mean to really get that you are not your wounded self. Even if you've practiced Inner Bonding for a long time, there are always more layers of healing to do. And it's a wonderful journey!" L.A. Intensive, 2/05
Nancy Swisher

"This 5 days intensive was a dream coming true, full of loving, truth and healing. It was a possibility to get more conscious of my wounded self and how can I start honoring my inner child in new way so powerful. I’ve focused on opening my heart even more on concrete experiences I’m living nowadays that block me from being loving to myself. Watching Margaret in action was so inspiring, she’s a role model for me. I imagine myself from now onwards saying is this loving for my inner child? What would Margaret do if it was her inner child. I loved the Inner Bonding In Action guided by Karen. it was so powerful. I feel from now onwards I have a new level of consciousness really regarding my connection with my inner child and with my determination to love her, also with the Power from now onwards I will give to my inner guidance. I am so grateful for the experience I lived these 5 days, I will never forget, the group also enables me to heal and be more aware of my wounded self. I want to continue walking this pathway of true love and truth for myself seeing my inner child and enable my true essence to be awake in action in this world."

Melisa Andrea Losada

'My experience is truly life saving and life changing. The work I've done here with Margaret was deep soul healing work that has cracked me wide open to my possibilities and life changing love I will now give to myself.'  Northern California 3-Day Advanced Intensive, August 2015

Wendy Whyte

'Wonderful, important, life changing.'  Long Island 3 Day Advanced Intensive, 11.13

Steven Shore

"Inner Bonding is as meaningful and healing for an agnostic, which I am, as to those who can see angels and spirits. The process is universal; it will touch your deepest human essence if you will be open to learning about yourself. Margaret Paul is totally non-judgmental. She is centered within herself, intuitive, with gentle, loving strength. To take a workshop with her is to give yourself a gift: contact with the person you are and what you can grow to become." Lucerne Valley Intensive, 7/06
Alice Schafer

"Amazing experience. Life-changing. This is the process to move out of our own way, past our baggage, and into the life and light we want.  (Virtual 5-Day Intensive)

Kelly R.

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Who makes your decisions - your wounded self or your loving Adult? You might want to notice that decisions made from your wounded self never turn out well. You will always be guided toward your highest good when your loving Adult is open to learning with Spirit about what is truly loving to you.



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